Core Workout plus Stretching today!

Is there something going for today… or has this fallen apart for this week?

Thank you for posting this. I changed your post title from having a question mark to an exclamation mark.

We will do some core/balance/stretching within the limitations of the space we can find in the Athletics Building.

8 PM on Thursdays I want to spend an hour doing core strength, balance, and stretching with everybody because science says its good for you.

I will be at Athletics tonight at ~7:50 near the Aerobics room, if it is available we will be in there, otherwise check the dance, combat and spin rooms (same floor). Finally if we need to we will be hallway behind the Varsity weight room.

This will be for all levels.


this would be more appealing on a monday night

Its not super intense so we can do both Dennis. We’ll see how this one goes and decide from there.

Might show up. I finish at 8, so I might be a tiny bit late.

I would love to stretch, walking and sitting are both very different experiences post plyo…

Wasn’t thinking of making this but, ya I’ll probably be there.
EDIT: you’ll probably see me there, chances are I’ll be playing squash.

on second thought i dont think i will be able to make it :frowning:

Sorry I won’t be there. Not feeling too good right now.