ECCC L'Enfer du Nord (April 21&22)

Hey team!

It’s time to gather interested racers for the last ECCC the team will be travelling to hosted by Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH. This is the closest race at only 3.5 hours away, so departure time is estimated at around 5:30pm Friday.

There will be an ITT and Crit on Saturday and a Road Race on Sunday. Full details available in the race flyer:

Sign up if you want to come!! An email will be sent out Thursday asking for your 100% confirmation by Sunday night.

I would be interested in going only for the Sunday RR. Men’s A/B only starts at noon, so it would be possible to Sunday morning and get there in time for the race, making it only a one day trip.

If anyone else is interested please post! If enough people are interested in doing this we might be able to get a vehicle

Missing Army so have to do this!

I have fond memories of this TT from last year. The dirt road climb at the end is awesome.

The crit had that crazy descent, followed by a left-handed turn into an immediate climb. Loved it!

might be interested in coming for sunday

I’ll see if my noodle is race-fit by Thursday.
…and if I can convince my parents to let me go :stuck_out_tongue:

I may just have to try road racing for the first time!

I might come.

Depends on paper writing/stress level/fitness level.

Could be convinced for sunday

Yess Noah!!! Come!!

Regarding Sunday:

(1.5xs the length of the Houde & 2xs its elevation change) x your number of laps = “The Walls of Jericho Road Race”

I can’t wait haha

I’m interested, but Petey had a seizure last week so I am not sure I want to be away for a weekend. We’ll see how things go.

Is anyone interested in only doing the Saturday?

Hey, looks like open Cat 1-3 can race with Men’s A. I’d be in for Sunday for sure if that’s the case.

hey jon, I think those are for the U.S. collegiate racers who actually need to be a registered cat 1-3 in order to ride A, cat 3-4 for B, etc… but I could be wrong, I’d look into it

I’m slightly interested in doing only one of the days// Being in MTL for something at 10pm on saturday.

I’d preferably go only for saturday?!

if there are 4 of us it makes sense?

Yah, Dennis, you’re right. Never mind.

An email was sent out last night. Let me know if you didn`t get it