Floyd Landis to race Mardi Cyclist, June 16th

Top ten signs your career is at an all time low??? :smiley:

Still, i’ll be there to check it out and eat $1 hot dogs. Anyone going?

Yes, if I can get there somehow (broken bike :evil: ).

I’ll be there with my camera!

what time is this at? i’d be keen to go if i’m not working (which is highly likely, i mean that i WON’T be working)

The women’s race starts at 6pm. I don’t know if any of our ladies are going. The mens’ starts at 7pm. If anybody i know is doing the women’s is going, i’ll go watch that too. Otherwise, i might just show up at 7pm.

I’ll be there around 6:30ish. I’ll look out for you people.

Are any of the women racing? Marie, Vic, Erin? Anyone else?

i’m not racing, i have to work so i don’t even get to come to watch :frowning:

i can’t remember if marie-eve is racing, but i will ask her as soon as she wakes up!! erin is not racing. caitlin???

edit: marie eve is racing! (not with floyd, with the girls)

I may or may not be there. Would you be watching in that dangerous fast corner with that nasty curb at the exit?

Hey AJ,

I’ll go riding a bit earlier, say 3pm, go to west Island, go back to Verdun to pick my camera up, and then I’ll just kind of rotate around the circuit. The circuit is short, so just do a quick loop if you want to find me. I’ll be wearing La Cordee colors.

where is the race?

Victoria and the 10th avenue in lachine.

Sounds like a fun evening!

ahh, I think I may try racing the crit this week. I’m not sure how excited I am that I can watch web footage of me getting my butt kicked though…

i’d like to go for a ride out to saint annes and then watch the race…anyone else leaving from McGill? Only catch is I need to stop of at home and ditch the laptop (its on the way)