IMPORTANT: Have your picture taken for MCT!

Sent on behalf of Lisen Moore, Manager, Intercollegiate Office.

There will be a photo booth set-up on Monday, September 29 & Tuesday, September 30
from 6:00pm-7:00pm in the Intercollegiate Office, Rm. 225 of the Tomlinson Field House.

The following teams are invited to these first two sessions, Martlet Field Hockey, Martlet Lacrosse,
Redmen Lacrosse, Baseball, Ultimate, Cycling and Sailing.

You will be given a red polo shirt to wear. As well, please do not where a necklace. Please do
your best to have your team show at that time,

These are drop-in sessions. See Letitia.

Lisen Ann Moore
Manager, Intercollegiate Sports
Athletics and Recreation
McGill University
(514) 398-7003
(514) 398-7000 ext. 0132
(514) 817-9733

Just to confirm…if we were on the team last year and they took our picture, then we don’t have to do it again this year?

usually we get it taken every year. I don’t know is the answer. Give a call to Lisen Moore. (she hates emails)

does this apply to us old men? (ie grad students)

hey i think we should try to have every team member in those two days so that we can show that we are a serious team.

it applies to everyone who paid their team fees. (currently about 70 people)

since I have my first exam for org 2 on monday :~(
Ill be going on tuesday…anyone joining me??LOL :~)

I am so not photogenic.

Haha, neither am I, my eyes will probably be closed in this picture…

I talked to Athletics and even if you had your picture taken last year, they would like everyone to come have their picture taken again.

go get your picture taken!

In case you guys missed this, you can still get your picture taken on the 6th or 8th of October.

From Athletics:

There will be a photo booth set-up on Monday, October 6 & Wednesday, October 8, 2008
from 6:00pm-7:00pm in the Intercollegiate Office, Rm. 225 of the Tomlinson Field House.

Stragglers from Martlet Field Hockey, Martlet Lacrosse, Redmen Lacrosse, Baseball, Ultimate, Cycling and Sailing.