Jan 26,27,28,29


cheese, lift, spin.

cheese, spin, spam, spam, eggs, spin, spam

spin, plyo, spin. no cheese :frowning: damn calculus

Can only make it Sunday…

Save some cheese?

I’ve noticed a considerable decline in the quality of your posts.

I typed it on my phone during class a letter everytime he turned around. It took forever. I thought it was very crisp and clean.

If we’re ever in prison together, I expect you to tunnel us out.

down to lift but no plyo still

Just for Friday morning spin.

might come for the last half hour friday to spin easy, I have a game saturday and am slightly injured…
Sunday most likely yes for spin.

if i don’t wake up for January 27th please do:

5 x 4 minute over under intervals where the first 10 seconds of every minute is as hard as you can manage, followed by 50 sec at threshold

warm up for 12 minutes starting at 6:42 and do one 4 minute interval at threshold then follow with 5 4 minutes on 4 minutes off over under intervals as I described earlier.

good luck everyone.

Saturday I will be late to the gym (12 instead of 11:30).

I am slowly transitioning away from jumping exercises (by necessity of my foot) and because SC and race season is coming. I will be heavy lifting and leg pressing etc, and will lead that before hoping on the bike for base miles with Dennis. We can still jump but I’ll be on a bike saying it instead of demonstrating.

See you tomorrow.

Dennis what time will you be there at?

I’ll be there for some spinning.

will be spinning by 12:30

I’ll come at 12 adam.

If anyone left behind a pair of flip flops I picked them up
lemme know

They were from the Tri people before us.

Dennis, I sent you a message.