Plyo #3

Plyo. 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Aerobics room.
bring water bottle.
Admire the photo of the scary Reebok aerobics woman on the wall.

Thank you Scott.

We’ll do the same routine as the last two weeks with a change to the core exercises in the middle.

We will also do two lines of boxes to jump over in the last hour. One line will have the same 3 pink bricks per side, the other line will have 7.

We gonna jump big so we gonna go fast.


P.S. Reebok lady is way tougher than I am.

reebok lady is my idol

I’m allowed to come to plyo twice monthly

I’ll be late.

If only I didn’t have an english paper due the next day…

You can wallsit in the corner with your laptop.

^^^ like

Will be there next week. My idiocy prevented me from plyo this week.

I want to share this:

Delayed onset muscle soreness is what we all get from plyo.

Thursday I had no soreness at all for any level of activity. Then I sat down at 8:55 PM. At 9:05 PM I stood up and fell back into my chair because both legs were that sore. It is the clearest “24 hours later” I have ever experienced. This morning I generally feel sore everywhere.

We will definitely do a similar routine again next week, and possibly the week after. Keep giving me feedback and we’ll evolve.

I also observed a 24 hour latency period.

Same for me. I woke up yesterday kinda sore, but it was bearable and I eased into it after. This morning my legs are bars of steel.

alex, are you saying that plyo has given you… legs of steel?

^^^ Isn’t that why you go to plyo?

Let’s say wood then. Steel is in March :slight_smile: