Saturday / Saint-Joseph-du-lac / Intermediate +


Seems like it will be nice out Saturday. this ride is about 115km. IMO one of the nicest rides we can do leaving from downtown.

Let’s meet at corner of St-Laurent & Bernard at 11am.

Hi, a young(ish) professor from UQAM here… I am very interested in joining this ride but I have never ridden with McGill Cycling. Would you accept a new guy on the ride? I train regularly so think I should be ok, but if ever I get dropped I know the area quite well so no worries about me getting back home…

hi Pavel, look forward to meeting you. If you come, don’t forget to sign up above

hey, is it cool if i join you guys and see what the pace is like since ive never ridden with the club before… if its too fast i was going to do a solo ride around there anyways lol …

have you ever ridden with a group? Are you able to hold 35km/h + while drafting?

R.I.P. “Intermediate+”

This is going to be so fast lol

Hammerlaan, Jon VK (the VK stands for Very Kwick)… yup, this will be fast.

Thanks Pete!

But these days more like very quickly dropped. This will be my longest ride yet this year outside of Battenkill, which almost made me cry.

lol i think ill do a slower ride. next time maybe !

30km/h : beginner
35km/h : intermediate
40kn/h : advanced


bear in mind this is drafting in a pace line taking no relays

intermediate only ever stays intermediate for 10 minutes

From Emily’s post under Rides: Crucial Information on Rides

"As a general formula we’ve gone with this in the past:
Beginner 30km/h or less
Intermediate 31-36km/h
Advanced 37km/h+

The speed represents what you can pull at, not what you can get pulled at while in the back of the peleton."

To be fair this ride is posted as Intermediate +

don’t forget meeting point is NOT gates

Also, St-Laurent is closed off from Sherbrooke to Mont-Royal or so, so if you’re coming from downtown, you might want to use Parc or St-Denis to get North.

Wishing I made it to this ride, didn’t see post

This was a great ride. Thank you guys for letting me in.

Yeah come to more rides man!