Second warehouse sale images/vente. pdf

http://maps. maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&time=&date=&ttype=&q=764+lajoie, +dorval&sll=45.459679, -73.730021&sspn=0.014479, 0.043259&ie=UTF8&ll=45.460522, -73.730192&spn=0.014479, 0.043259&z=15&iwloc=addr&om=1

Warehouse Sale - Attention all cyclists: KMI, the distributor of high quality cycling equipment, will be holding a warehouse sale on Nov 23-25. Brands such as Limar helmets, Lake shoes, Hutchinson and Schwalbe tires, Fizik saddles, Look bikes, Nalini clothing and much more at 30-70% discount. Whether you’re looking to buy a Christmas gift for a cyclist (YOU!) or stocking up for the next season, this event is not to be missed!

764 Lajoie Ave, Dorval (see link)

Fri 23: 12-7pm, Sat 24: 9am-3pm, Sun 25: 9am-2pm

I have no idea how good either of these warehouse sales are, but if you could like, check them out