Spin Sun Mar13 9am

Eat light, very intense workout and you’ll want a good stomach.

Must be 5.

Don’t forget we’re traveling 60minutes into the future tonight. (daylight savings)

Remember we still need 5 signed up before I go to bed tonight sometime between 7:30 and 2 am. Also if it will help you sign up I will lie and say I will make it easier. The workout will be like walking on a flat road with a tail wind. I will also bring you breakfast. (still a lie) etc.

Jon, I may even remember to bring your toe cover this time.

There’s a 35% chance I’ll be there

there is a 10% chance i won’t come, a 50% chance i would rather be working, a 95% chance that I will be sore, and a 100% chance that due to all these factors i will want to pound on adam just a little bit after. (only partially joking)

I’m 100% sure I won’t be there. My sister is coming to visit me in Montreal and she gets here tomorrow morning. Have fun!