Team Party - Benelux Thursday Sept 30th, 21h00

Hey Everyone

We’ve all seen each other on a few rides here and there, but how much can you really get to know each other while you’re killing yourself on the way up the mountain? Time for some team building!

Our generous sponsor Benelux Brasserie is the perfect venue, a microbrewery in the McGill ghetto which brews many delicious BEvERages for your enjoyment. They also sell really tasty “Euro” sausages, if you like the sausage.

Show up at 9pm to kick back and enjoy a few drinks with the team, and get to know each other “behind the spandex” We will also be accepting team fees if you haven’t yet payed up.

Due to our sponsorship arrangement, we may be able to sell drink tickets for cheap drinks, details on that to follow. (Monday-ish)

Bring your friends!

Not seeing too many newbies signed up… Where are you guys tonight?

I might come.

Ill try to make it down I may be arriving after 10:30ish though.

Mmmmm I can’t get enough of those euro sausages…

This meeting is MANDATORY… ok well not really, but it will be fun. :slight_smile:

We’ll also be collecting team fees for the final roster which will be sent to Cycle Technique and the other sponsors.

We’ll also be taking orders for the team kit!

So even if you can’t stay, be sure to drop by for these administrative reasons.

any sense of how long this meeting might be taking place? If I’m working, I probably wouldn’t get there until 12-1230am or so…