
No problem,
I will be there.

The car is booked to be picked up at 607 Maisonneuve O.

Things you need to do:

  1. Have helmet shoes pedals with you.
  2. Bring snacks (lunch will be collective bbq)
  3. Be at Discount at 9am Sunday. 607 Maisonneuve
  4. Bring 40$ and race member fee if you havent paid yet.
  5. PM cathcout the frame size of your bike.

Javad can you also meet us in that parking lot?

Please check the forum tonight just in case the weather forecast says it’ll rain. I’ll post it here if we have to cancel.
I’m scared we’ll freeze though …

The temperatures are going to be over 10 degrees but the forecast is 70-90% chance of precipitation. Doesn’t sound very good.

My dear cycling friends,

I am very sorry to announce that the activity for tomorrow is cancelled.

As October rhymes with mid-term (and apparently terrible cold), I doubt we’ll get the chance to ride it this Fall. :frowning:

Thank you for your interest!

Cath :slight_smile:

that’s too bad
anyway thanks for your efforts.