Transporting Bike on Friday

What’s the best way to bring my bike to the departure location on Friday morning if I live at Solin Hall (St-Henri). Although the metro seems like a viable option, is there an easier way?

If you guys want you can all drop off your bikes tonight after 7pm
I will be home

The metro ain’t that bad…

i agree. i’ve taken my bikes on the metro a number of times

If it would make it easier, see if you can drop off your bag today/tonight so you’re only transporting it with a day bag.
Means you could even RIDE it if it is nice enough (wear your helmet).

You can NOT take the metro during rush hour with your bike. The stm considers this to be any time before 10am, and between 3pm and 7pm. Therefore, you cannot take the metro unless you bring your bike over tonight or something. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that a cab is the only viable solution.

Awesome! Thanks Brandon. And I assume someone will be there at 1130 (since I am in Beta Force) so we can load it on the trailer?

We will be loading the trailer as much as possible ahead of 11h30, so the earlier we get your bikes the better