For those who were interested to download the mixtape i record for my workout…an hour long, none-stop, its electronic music (house…trance sometimes)
i had a radio show at university last semester so i have tons of mixtape in that kind if youre interested…
Im also working on a project called (website isnt ready yet) so i have a demo available (english version is horrrrrible sorry, but french is good!!) its like an audio workout for intervalls, a personal trainer talks over a music track
and for the freaks : beep test available…with music in the background !
I like the idea! Workouts with instructions and music built in.
Where do you get the personal trainer voice?
It would be cool to have one for circuit training, as well as different interval workouts.
Hey thanks! do you want to give your voice for the recording? haha i planned on using mine…but im still looking for someone for the english version!
for the different intervals, i produced something i like to call ‘‘free-training’’ that let you build up your own intervals with a beep every 15 or 30 seconds, there’s a different beep to indicate minutes and there’s vocal to indicate the time every 2 minutes. So it basically replace a watch, because watch are sometimes not really useful during sprint or plyometric workouts (i used to do a lot of theses as a hockey player…) or lets say you run in the stairs…only an audio signal can let you focus on your training, and plus: you get music!