Anyone want to do 6 Gaps in a couple weeks? Its like 482km with 39,475.7 feet of climbing with 82km sections on dirt roads. I also heard there
s prolonged grades of 65-90% on Linkon Gap. A GU might even be necessary.
yeah, i dont have a car but i vote october 2. two weeks is enough notice right?
Looks nice. I’d be interested in an attempt. Hope I can still join the car back to MTL when I do only 4 gaps (skipping about 30 mi and the Lincoln and Appalachian gaps)?
I’m in, possibly for the 11th, or during the week could work for me.
The 11th is for the moment our proposed “Try-outs” day.
Maybe this could be the extreme tryouts
11th would be great. I figure it’s a good warm-up for the race on the 12th
i vote sept 4th! i’ve wanted to do this for a long time
482km? we biking there or something?
Sept 4th is the weekend of the qc championships. The TT is on the 4th (skippable in my case) but the rr is on the 5th, and I don’t expect i’ll be in racing conditions the day after the six gaps… Monday’s the crit.
The rr should have a nice circuit.
i would be interested. i don’t know if i could keep up to you guys though. how long of a drive is it to get there?
The whole 482 km thing was a joke, as is the 90% grade stuff. The ride is dirty though.
Colin, is the 11th impossible for you? 4th will be a bit too soon for me too as i’m moving on the 1st, and planning to crush myself at a race this weekend.
I think at this point the 11th, rather then the 18th seems like the best option.
i’m riding back from quebec that day.
I’m in for the 11th, because the 18th is the green mountain cyclocross am I right?
i want in!
I’d be totally in! (for the 11th)
Edit: I took a good look at this ride. Still in, but would not be taking big pulls, and will be sure to familiarize myself with the gap 2 and 4 bailouts, just in case. Man, this looks awesome but intimidating.
Hey Scott what date are you thinking?
11th are tryouts, probably, fyi.
are you on crack?
Well, these would be great tryouts for the advanced riders
Ignorant cyclist grade-related question: How steep is 20-24% ? Compared to that very steep portion of the cemetery for instance. More, less ?
I’m in, but only if I have some old guy to whine with during every ascent. Nick?