Advanced serious ride (trip) sunday/monday aka batman altitude profile

Here is the plan for Sunday. Go up to Tremblant, then head back to my cottage to sleep/eat/ chill on the lake if its not 2a.m. when we get there. (230km, 2000m of climbing).

On Monday head back to Montreal (~80-100km) maybe <500m of climbing so not too bad. We could probably swim/chill in the lake in the morning.

Over all a fun trip. Any one is invited but I would rather keep party to max 6 people just for safety reasons while riding.

And la piece de resistance:

The batman profile!

Dark knight rises up a few hills.

Interested. Will post later if I’ll join. Good idea Mike!


haha rad I am so doing this

fuck i would totally do this if i wasnt working sunday

you guys know it’s raining on Sunday right?

The weather people don’t know anything 3 days in advance pff

i know where lake hughes is. Brilliant place for lakeside summer parties…

Doing a similar thing next thurs-fri too

I’m in. When do we leave?

8 am at gates. Sweet. Please don’t murder us Justin

and we’re off :smiley: