Best "cycling" product ever

I got some admail from competitive cyclist and they are now selling this product:

You’ve got to read the full description - the best part is when they get into weight weindom with carrying pepper spray over a firearm, unreal. :lol:

Never mind that they get their facts wrong. A sub compact pistol chambered in .380 ACP with loaded mag will run you under 2lb.

Do any cyclists even carry guns in states were open carry laws exist, the mental image is just too amusing. Tactical holster hanging off the back ruins the spandex look, or do they sling them on a top tube holster calvary style? :lol:

Some moutain bikers my dad works with carry a sidearm for riding in Idaho, for mountain lions and wolves, things like that.

My sub compact pistol chambered in .380 ACP with loaded mag weighs at least 2.2lbs.

Scott how on earth can you climb with something so heavy - you shouldn’t look any further than a PM40 for all your cycling personal defence needs. :lol: