Bike maintenance workshop W/ Outdoors Club!

Tomorrow, after our wednesday night mountain bike ride, the McGill Outdoors Club, MOC, will be holding an hour long bike maintenance workshop in front of burnside, at 7pm. I am going to go down with whoever from the ride who wants to join me, but other roadbikers, mountain bikers who are shirking their training duties, and fans of bikes in general are all welcome.
Patrick Gnehm, the MOC cycling exec, is a new friend and would like to have more inter-club/team activities. this would be a fine time to show that we are interested in them, and maybe learn a bit as well.
I think our very own Justin is going to be giving a tutorial on bike maintenance.
hope to see a few of you there.


for those of you that don’t know, burnside is one of those big buildings to the right when you enter campus through the roddick gates. i think the tutorial will be on the grass somewhere near the big stairs to nowhere.
look for it around there
