Bike Movie Premiere! Nov. 7th

hey ben, yeah I can def put one up in my shop, but I just saw this post and I went in to my shop today and I’m pretty sure he has one. I can post one else where if you want. Lemme know when you want to meet next week and I can do it (stephane was in eastside freeride 2) so he usually has the posters from them but I wouldn’t mind posting them elsewhere…

Do we just pay at the door or do we have to get tickets in advance? is the team meeting up or something before hand?

just pay at the door. I will probably be sitting at the table where you buy tickets as you come downstairs. Regardless, I’ll be there early, and I’ll reserve a “McGill Cycling” table.

In case you are on the fence about coming, here is the updated prize list. Start crossing your fingers.

By the way, this is just the stuff that they are raffling off! There will be even MORE prizes that they will throw out to the crowd. Everyone who pays their $10 entrance fee is automatically entered in the raffle.

Here is what Mavic and Giro have Pledged for the night!
1 pair of Mavic Deetraks
1 pair of Mavic EX 325
3 Giro Flak Helmets in the red creep color (S, M , L)
3 BLK-green Mcdermott
1 Giro Remedy Carbon Matt Smog
1 Remedy Matte TI Zombie
1 Remedy Smog citiscape
1 Remedy carbon Matt coal

when’s everyone planning on going? anyone want to venture over there together?

I am going to try to be there for around 7ish.

I will probably be there around 7 to 7:15, Adler better have a table reserved for us all :slight_smile:

hey, i’d be cool with meeting up with ppl before hand. just give me a time and a place.

to those who will be at NWD tonight and have ordered something in the 2nd jersey order, I will bring your stuff. Some of you haven’t paid. I’m pretty sure there will be an ATM somewhere in the Bell Center, but if you have your checkbook, it’s also fine (this goes for veronica, Scott, Alex and Nadine (?) as far as I know)

Jason , Emily, Alan, Ben B, you’re all good!

emily, if people want to meet up before hand my apartment is available.