This is for those who either don’t check facebook or aren’t friends with me on facebook.
Are you a native-French speaker? Did you learn English after puberty (this is critical)? Do you want to help me out for this bilingual acquisition research proposal that will be submitted soon?
I can’t pay you, but the test is basically a 10-20 minute questionnaire asking for your judgments of how good English sentences sound. It’s pretty easy and very noninvasive. All documents remain anonymous too, so don’t be ashamed if you think your English isn’t too hot – that’s exactly what I’m looking for, the process from not knowing a language to complete mastery of it and everywhere in between.
This is the kind of this I’d love to just do online but my professor is pretty big on hand-written consent and I don’t feel like dealing with that. I can meet you pretty much anywhere in the downtown area, maybe elsewhere too.
I could use a few English monolinguals too. “But I kind of know how to say ‘Where’s the bathroom?’ in Spanish, is that too much?”. That’s fine, especially if you learned those bits of some language after puberty but considering my situation I’d likely take you even if you learned five Romanian words at age 6.
Your age is pretty much fine. When I said puberty, it’s really a gray line… it’s something like >9ish. Unfortunately I’m not looking at German learners this time around. Strictly speaking I would have to completely eliminate you because you know (at least) third language, which can cause problems. That said I think you’ll be a good candidate.
Unfortunately I just need people whose first language is French and learned English sometime after 9ish. Ideally they’d be very very good at English but all levels are needed including beginners and intermediates!
I also still need a couple more monolingual English controls.