Brossard Criterium - Sunday May 5th

This is fun and technical crit on the south shore of Montreal. The distance from the gates to the races is only 16 kilometers by bike so we’re not going to be dealing with cars for this race. More detail about the race, including a course map can be found on the FQSC website here.

A group will be leaving from the gates at 1:45, getting to the race with plenty of time for the Senior Men 1-2 and 3. If there is interest I can also lead a group leaving at 9:30AM, arriving at the course in time for the women’s race and for anybody who wants to cheer. Also many people might choose to find there own way to the race. Sign up in the appropriate section above!

Day licenses will be sold at the race for $20 I believe and registration will likewise be done the day of for $20. Let me know if you have any questions.

Ok, so I am not sure in what cat I can race here. What is the lowest?

There is only Cat 1-2, and Cat 3. Both will suck. You do Cat 3 though.

Andrei you can race cat 3, you did well in ECCC
