Cycling nutrition group or bulk order

Anyone interested in sharing a bulk order of stuff like energy gels, chews, or protein bars this week in case a website does a boxing day sale? Or does this happen early next year as a MCT thing?

I’d be interested

MCT should be doing one. I would wait for someone on the exec to confirm though.

A nutrition bulk order will happen hopefully in late January. I’ll be posting details on the forum a few weeks before.

Justin, I didn`t realize you rode for lampre

he’s stuck in that kit till 2013, at which point he’ll be w/ radioshack trek

Ok, perfect, will wait for the team order.

We will not be doing nutrition order this year.
Here is what I suggest:
All the most recent data from team GB and Sky reveal that real food is better for you.
Go to the grocery store and buy:
peanut butter
and some dates
And you just saved yourself some $ you can spend on beer

But Honey Stinger waffles are so tasty!

but if i have too much extra money i will buy too much beer and get fat

Buy real food --> Get fit --> Save money --> Buy beer --> Get fat

Buy gels and bars --> Get fat --> Be poor --> No beer --> Get fit

Seriously though, while I see and support the merit of eating ‘real food’ before, during, and after training, I also enjoy the benefits and convenience of bars, gels, and powders. If there is not to be an official MCT nutrition order, what is stopping us from an unofficial one?

I stand by riding around with half a dozen bananas in your back pockets

AJ used to carry a box worth of granola bars in his back pockets.