Does this look dangerous?

I was following some fighters of the UFC for a while and came across this video of “hypoxia snorkel training.” I thought that it might stir up some interesting discussions.

Wanderlei Silva’s Snorkel Training:

Personally I think there is a correlation between recieving a career’s worth of blows to the head and thinking that this is a good idea.

i understand what he’s trying to do, but it doesn’t seem like the safest way of doing it

yeah it seems like it would be similar to training at altitude, but doing that high of an intensity and putting it in and taking it out seems like it would lead to some serious overdoing it.

holy crap. If this guy doesn’t die from lack of oxygen to his brain cells, then he is is going to DESTROY everyone in the ring because he will be so tireless. Seems like a terrible idea for any one who wants to hold a job that requires thinking, but does this guy win fights?

He is announced as Wanderlei “The axe murderer” Silvia and was 31 - 5 through the first 10 years of his career. In the past three years he has lost 5 out of the last 6 fights. He’s getting old. He’s 32.

I just can’t imagine strapping myself into that. I’ve done some working out at altitude but that looks awful.

Seems a bit extreme. they make altitude tents you can sleep and train in that are a lot safer albeit ridiculously expensive.

Our old coach slept in one of those tents and actually got altitude sickness one day - they are not without their flaws.

i once read an article that proposed that cycling performance could improve dramatically if cyclists would get used to training at above their lactic acid threshold, rather than just below it, so that muscles get used to that intensity and actually “learn” to produce lactic acid at higher intensities. If I can remember well, it said to do this a few days in advance from the race day… Im hating myself for not saving that article bc now I cant find it…if this sounds crazy, maybe the guy who wrote it was crazy or maybe my memory isn’t as good as I thought, but the site was of good reputation in the cycling community, but once again, maybe my memory is playing tricks on me