ECCC Mountain Bike Races!

Mountain biking season is almost here!!

The closest race is 3.5 hours away at Killington but is on Thanksgiving weekend.

Next two closest are the NU Wild Western Weekend & Eastern Conference Champs at more or less 4.5 hours away.

Any thoughts about which races people would like to attend??

I was going to post a similar thread this weekend as well. Personally, I’m on board for NU on Sept. 15-16 and Easterns on Oct. 13-14. I’m going to create a seperate thread about the NU weekend shortly because it’s approaching quickly, but it’s good to get a sense for how many mountain bikers there are this year. So if you any little part of you wants to race this year, drop us a note in this thread!

Sweet! As of now I’d be on board for the same two weekends.

I’d be down for Easterns!

I am down