First McGill Team Potluck - Friday Oct 22

Hello everyone,

The household of KarenBrandonSoloway would like invite you to the first team potluck of the year.
This will be the perfect opportunity to meet everyone on the team and get your carbo-loading on for the team time trial the next day.

Sign up if you’re coming, and say what you plan on bringing. Please make your dishes vegetarian only (no meat or chicken or duck or aligator etc…)

I’ll post the address in the team only section. If you don’t have access yet send an email to and title the message “Potluck” and we’ll make sure to give you the information.

Starts at 7:00 EST (19:00 Canada time)

Quesadillas! (crocodile quesadillas, of course)

it should be on saturday, so i can come too :slight_smile:

I’ll bring a killer potato salad. I have to show up at 8 though, volunteering at the Flat till then!

Just for the record, if you are in rez and don’t have a kitchen to use, beer or even snack packs acceptable alternatives.

I’ll bring a chocolate cake.

EVEN THOUGH you piggy-backed on my already occupied night, I’ll try to stop by early and bring some delish applesauce made this past weekend.

mmm! that sounds amazing! I will bring a pasta salad… and veronica’s jersey.

Are beer/snack packs acceptable for those of us not in rez and not good at cooking? You know the extent of my culinary skill soloway.

Ben Blake, we encourage you to bring beer.

Just finished rollin’ my spring rolls.

I’ll be late, my oven died on me…