Hey, since the snow has started falling, it’s time to start posting entertainment.
Not really cross-training for cycling, but still…
wow. that made my toes tingle just watching it.
everyday is a saturday

Mike Freaking Douglas!!! That looks… as the newschoolers say…
Honestly, I really cannot believe how insane newschool skiing has become since I started watching ski videos 10 years ago. Really. How is it that the stuff pros did 10 years ago is the stuff 10 year old kids can do now? It’s certainly not improvements in technology.
Dude. Huge changes. Not “advances in the technology” like on bikes, but things like park-specific skis, big fat back-country freeriding skis.
Also, people our age were preteens when the 1080 came out and the first generation develolped and legitimized newschool skiing. The current generation of freeriders grew up doing this. Each year a new 20-year old pro was one year younger when he started freeskiing, you know?
Plus like any “action sport” or whatever, no one cares if you do something that’s been done before, you’ve gotta do it a half-rotation further or five feet higher so the envelope just gets pushed so violently.
Its not Changes in technology. It’s three people who changed what could be done on skis… Shane McConkey(R.I.P) always looking for new ways to ride the big mountain. Candide thovex by showing us how Big you can go… google Big Bertha candide, You will understand. And Jon Olson. The Jon Olson invitational and the Jon olson super sessions are the reason for this double cork, double flip madness.
Secretly wishes he could do all this.
We just had the rep for ZAG skis at work show us this video… Pretty crazy.
Yeah those videos are ridiculous.
I’m more into snowboarding but I got to admit that stuff was gnarly. Just watched the entire everyday is a saturday, so many switch landings into powder. Those types of tricks were unheard of 5 years ago. So sick.
did anyone else join the snowboard club?
Hey, it’s in french but it’s so funny…an other way to see the Tour de France:
Have fun!
I don’t know if you have seen this before, but there is a really good documentary about Steroids, Drugs and Stimulants.
Bigger,Stronger, Faster… It’s a long documentary. I surely suggest it…
can someone please post distracting youtube videos?? i don’t wanna study!
Probably not your thing but:
This isn’t exactly a video, but it’s a pretty wacko illusion:
It still drives me a bit nuts.