Explanations and Tips of all kinds, whether it be about racing, or racing day (oh I love racing day!), or other stuff about cycling, they cover lots. And I think beginners and others might learn a thing or two on the old ECCC website(could not find them on their new website… too bad, good tips). So I share.
Things like:
So which category should I race in anyways? covered here
Or (one of my favorites) being: Is it true that I should not wear underwear under my bike shorts? covered here
(don’t get yourself a yeast infection (girls) or a real bad “bacteria fed” saddle sore (boys and girls)!)
some other faq questions are interesting too
in the ask a pro section I like:
winning vs pulling the field around (still haven’t learned how to gauge that…)
or dry you clothes like a pro, be euro-cyclist, learn about shami-cream, or shaving, its purpose and so on…!
most importantly about races and Rutgers coming up read:
about your first race
about race day (i love race day, did i tell you?)
because it is all true (especially, do not depend on anyone else but yourself.)
If you got questions, just ask!
Racing is fun and can’t wait to be in that redmen coach bus with the team and mct support staff(like the driver right?) and cheerleaders!