Friday evening spin #4

Friday evening, December 14 at 7pm. An hour of spinning to music, perhaps including Beethoven (whose birthday is the 16th) or perhaps not. The idea is to have fun, get in a workout vaguely related to cycling, and start getting used to hanging out with old people like me in anticipation of returning home for the holidays.

You can bring your own pedals and shoes if you don’t want to do the retro style “sneakers and toe straps” thing. Bring a towel and a water bottle because it gets hot. I’ll bring the pedal wrench and the stories about how I remember the days before clipless pedals or index shifting…

Nice pic

Thanks, it’s one of my proudest moments (for those unable to parse it, it’s me at the Tom Simpson memorial near the top of Mt. Ventoux, in my McGill jersey).