Friday evening spin (Feb. 15)

Friday, Feb. 15 at 7:00pm in the spin room. All levels welcome.

The question is, “If you are going to SC over March break will a workout done now do you any good?” The answer is, “Yes.” Workouts done three weeks before an event will certainly give your body time to respond and adapt by the time of the event. Two weeks before, maybe a little.

But of course, South Carolina isn’t an event, it’s training for the season. Any training you do now will just make the SC training that much more effective. You’ll come out of it with a bigger jump in fitness than if you only did that one hard week. So come out and spin!

I understand, we are deep into the semester and everyone’s busy. But if we stay at only two people signed up I’m not going to give the session. I’ll check in later this afternoon (Friday) and see where we stand…

OK, looks like we have a good group. See you all at 7:00!

Yay, another double hour sesh for me!


I’m not teaching the 6:00pm pay-as-you-go this week. You can do the double, but I don’t know who’s going to be leading the first half.

that’s fine. I just want to do it

Instructor for the pay as you go was a no show. No double hour for me. :frowning:

So in order to join the training session, do I just show up in gym clothes? Is there any athletic equipment(s) I should bring?

Gym clothes are usually fine. I’d recommend biking shorts if you have them, makes it a little more bearable. You can use normal running shoes for the pedals because they have toe straps. If you have SPD biking shoes (aka mountain bike shoes) those fit the opposite side of pedals already on there. If you feel particularly adventurous, you can bring your own cycling shoes and pedals and, of course, a tool kit to get the pedals on and off. Other than that: water bottle and towel (it gets hot in there).