Gmsr 2012

Hey Everyone,

The team is planning a trip to the very exciting four day Green Mountain Stage Race in northern Vermont. This event takes place over the final weekend before school starts, from Friday, August 31st to Monday, Sept 3rd. It includes a tough individual time trial, a lumpy circuit race, a mountainous 61mile road race with a finish atop the Appalachian Gap, and finally a tight 6-corner crit in the middle of Burlington, VT. Please note that this race is extremely demanding regardless of category, and should be attempted by riders that have been putting effort into training this summer.

Here’s the website:

Categories include Men’s Cat4/5, 4, 3, 2, 1/Pro and Women’s Cat1/2 and 3/4

Registration for the GMSR is significant, currently ranging from $205-$225, and racers will fully assume that cost. All other costs will depend on our number of participants.

The GMSR trip will be costly and is on a weekend full of festivities in Montreal as students return for school, but if you have been training hard this summer and want a big event to look forward to and keep you going through the rest of the season, this incredible racing experience may be for you.

It would be best to register before the July 30th deadline before the prices increase. Otherwise we ask that anyone interested register before the August 14th deadline in order to make final planning arrangements much easier, and certainly to avoid the additional $30 registration increase.

If anyone interested has a car available, or even a possible place we could stay to reduce costs, contact me via PM, phone, facebook, etc

Indicate your interest level above, and if you don’t need a ride but will be at the race pick the third option so we know which of our friends will be there!

More details to follow once we determine our group size.


Unfortunately I won’t be there next year, but for anyone who’s thinking of going, I went to the GMSR last year and probably was the best racing weekend I’ve ever done. The race is very well organized, both the road races and the crit in Burlington are awesome, and there is even neutral support provided by SRAM (at least there was last year), the same neutral support vehicles who go to pro races in the US like the Tour of Utah or the Pro Cycling Challenge.

Dennis is right to point out that you should only race this if you’ve trained in the summer, because everyone comes in on their best form, and all categories are tough, but everyone is usually also super friendly. Last year a couple of guys from the ECCC also came and we all had a great time.

Do not cross the yellow line!

Jocelyn, I was wondering how the categories compared to FQSC

Woah, just saw this. Registration ends tomorrow 5pm. Do you have room for me? I would probably race McGill cat 1 with you Dennis.

Hey John,

The car is full unfortunately but we might have a place for you where were staying.