This weekend is the much anticipated GP de Charlevoix! This is a two day stage race in Baie St-Paul which has a 15.7 TT and criterium on Saturday, and then a road race on Sunday (122km for all guys, 70km for the ladies).
Because this race is over the whole weekend and pretty far away, we would be driving there Friday afternoon, staying in a hotel, and coming back to Montreal after all the races are done on Sunday. Since this is going to be significantly more expensive than previous FQSC racing weekends the trip will only be PARTIALLY SUBSIDIZED for McGill racers. The amount of subsidization will be determined when we have an idea of how many people are interested and what the total cost of the weekend will be. To decrease costs there is a sign-up for people who have cars we could use.
This event is preregistration only, which ends Wednesday night at 10pm. Thus, we ask that if you are interested please sign up (here) by TUESDAY NIGHT so we can get all the details worked out and get back to everyone on Wednesday in time to register.
Also, for those going this would be a great opportunity to get lots of current pictures for the team, so make sure to bring your cameras!
Final note: be warned that this road race is HILLY. Any additional info can be found here