When it rains it pours!
You may have heard of our KOM awards night this Saturday night, but I hope your Friday night is also free because we have a rare #back2back event weekend. Madness.
Come down to the Toguri Training Studio (3939 Wellington Street) to watch the premier of local influencer Charles Ouimet’s new full feature film OCEAN TO HEAVEN. The film documents Charles’ attempt to complete Hawaii’s impossible route. An insane 110km 5000m ride from sea level all the way to the top of the Mauna Kea volcano! Doors open at 7pm.
Pizza will be served courtesy of Geppetto and wine a la Toguri (that’s right we sell wine now). Tickets are free but you must register in advance to attend!
A pre-ride will also take place before the event will take place with details on the Toguri Strava page. (Ride not mandatory to watch the film, link below).
Places are limited, registration link below too.
Sign Up: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/charles-ouimet-ocean-to-heaven-tickets-207357922127
Strava Ride: https://www.strava.com/clubs/970124/group_events/1069494