I stumbled on that while looking for a compelling article on embodied feminist political geographies…
SPINNEY, J. 2006. A place of sense: a kinaesthetic ethnography of cyclists on Mont Ventoux. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 24(5) pp.709 – 732
(be on a Uni computer or connected via VPN)
here is a line from the abstract:
“…I consider how the conjoining of the person and bike and the resulting embodied rhythms and kinaesthetic sensations of the movement of cycling are constitutive of the character and meanings of particular places.”
isn’t that just how you relate to the places you bike?? wow, just said with scholarly jargon!
I know, it has nothing to do with feminist political embodied geographies, but I was desperate and using keywords and synonyms of keywords and AND/NOT/OR and * and you know, one thing led to another, and I found this and it made my day. Anyways I am sure at least, maybe two people will be as thrilled as me.
It was too bad I could not use it in my work. But it was very refreshing to read the abstract and the couple first pages and I thought you might want, like me, cycling scholarly reading for Xmas time. I did not get time to read it yet. ahhh I am looking forward to some relaxing time.
oh, and we just received some nice stuff at CGR, like knog lights http://www.knog.com.au/ and sheila moon clothing (their wool stuff), and more solohttp://www.solocc.com/products.cfm?cat_id=1. just thought you would like to know. so somebody gets you a gift certificate maybe…
ride safe
good luck with your finals and papers,
don’t get fat over the holidays,
and if the worst happens, we will have Hons take care of that.