Hi all,
ATTN: Clarisse, and Maeve please contact me if you’d still like the items you’ve ordered.
It’s Jersey time! hopefully you’ve all paid your team fee and are now ready to get your McGill Cycling Team Jersey and gear.
A list of prices will follow. Sizing can be found at http://www.champ-sys.com/index.asp?initpage=Product%20Redirect and clicking on “size chart”, have your measuring tape handy. Also if there’s something on the website you’d like but it’s not listed here, just ask and I can see if we can get it printed.
Orders can be placed to me up to and including Oct 2ed, Your order will not be put through if you do not pay in full. The price includes tax and shipping. Please make cheques payable to McGill Cycling.
Delivering Payment:
I am available on Thursday, September 27 from 11:35 to 12:55 in the Otto Maass lobby, Friday from 10:30 to 12:30 (chances are I won’t spend 2 hours in the lobby but I shouldn’t be far) Then from 2:00-4:00 you can find me TAing in lab 100 (analytical lab on the first floor off the lobby) I’ll be in the big pink labcoat. Monday October 1 from 10:30 to 12:30 (lobby and surrounding area) Then from 2:00-4:00 in lab 100. And finally Tuesday from 11:35 to 12:55. Or you can call any time and arrange a meeting time we can always work something out.
you can drop of a cheque in an envelope with your order no later than next Tuesday at noon.
When ordering a jersey or jacket state the version you’d like (RED or WHITE). For all items except hats state FEMALE or MALE and SIZE.
The order should arrive before christmas break depending on the order load the company receives, late arrival of the shipment is out of my hands.
Shorts (regular)…$56
Shorts (Bib)…$64
Euro Hat…$12
Wind Jacket…$56
Jessica MacDonald
MCT jersey coordinator
(514) 835-3316
161 McVey, Lasalle QC H8R 3T3
2191 Ave Belgrave, Montreal (NDG) Qc H4A 2L9
Ps sorry if I didn’t reply to your emails/PMs/messages/facebook posts, Due to the number of requests I will not be confirming orders individually in writing. I will confirm when you pay and finally when all orders are in, a complete list will be sent out via listserve for everyone to review their own orders and correct.