Girls - y’all need to get yo heads in the game
I so would have been there, Grace, but my bike is sick and receiving intense treatment at Cycle Neron!
Haha, I was just at neron today and the mechanic there was telling me horror stories about your bike val.
WHAT!? oh no, i hope it’s doing well in surgery room lol i can imagine and IV attached to my bike
Well, it was just “some McGill girl’s bike” that hadn’t seen a rag since the day it was born, but who knows - maybe he was talking about somebody else’s bike.
That reminds me of how the sram neutral support mechanic at the green mountain race told me I had one of the dirtiest bikes he’d ever seen. We probably have a terrible reputation amongst mechanics circles…
Get a pack of baby wipes and give your bike a quick clean after you come back from a ride.