Kom #6

When: 6:30AM, Thursday 13/10/2011
Where: Base of Camilien Houde
Who: You!

This ride goes rain or shine. I’ll keep score for the advanced group, but if the intermediate group wants “quantified bragging rights” you’ll need to bring your own pen and paper.

I can say there is a 70% chance I can make it. Depends on how badly Adam destroys us.

If you can ride in the morning I recommend KOM over Plyo, there is a long winter to come.

Plyo would be a dignified defence for repeated loss on KOM

the best training for cycling, is cycling. Just sayin’.

MikeB got it right: having not done anything for a week and a half, I need a good excuse to casually dismiss any humiliation / massive loss of composure when dragging myself up the hill. Plyo provides just that.

sounds like you have no reason not to show up then! one training per day is really not much

This is how you separate the Men/Women from the boys/girls.

If I’m the only beginner… I guess that makes me KOM.

…Not so fast!

(Dependent on my ridiculous cold).

I’M IN… depending on how well I’m able to prepare myself for the physics midterm which I take on the same day :stuck_out_tongue: Looking forward to meet my fellow beginners :slight_smile:

I’m going to try to wake up early and join the beginners :slight_smile:
Not sure how successful I’ll be at the waking up part though!

I’ll be there unless it is raining or very wet… then I’m sleeping in.

a good shower is the best way to wake up

Rain or Shine baby.

30% chance it doesn’t rain…

I expect all beginners to struggle alongside with me.

Advanced spreadsheet updated here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Asi-EVcgcAfYdFRTNEpDN3RMRWEwc0Vfa0x3enVkd3c&hl=en_US

If the other groups kept score today, PM me the results and I’ll update.

Great ride, guys. The weather was pretty much perfect.

Yep, it’s nice not to have rain for once on thursday morning.
Intermediate updated - Damn it’s close between the top three.

Great ride and couldn’t have asked for better weather.

Real quick on the updates!

Great weather + great ride. If you didn’t come you missed out. Even Jocelyn Showed!