KOM/QOM #3 - Long live the King

You know the drill: Meet at 6:30 at the bottom of the Houde for some good old-fashioned hill-climbing fun. I’ll try to keep my breakfast to myself this week.

Any woman who wishes to be in the running should ride with the Intermediate group. We have a spiffy new jersey for our QOM this year and it would be awesome to have some competition for it.

What is the exact location of the meeting? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.

Right here: https://maps.google.ca/maps?q=45.514941,-73.590884&num=1&t=m&z=18
on a little grassy triangle at the bottom of Camillien-Houde.

I won’t be making this tomorrow morning unfortunately. Have fun without me and make sure to keep score. See you next week!

Nice weather and showing today

Can someone please update the advanced spreadsheet as I don’t have editing access to the google doc.

Houde: 1-James; 2-Robert; 3-Pavel; 4-JR; 5-JRCaron
RW: 1-James; 2-JR; 3-Robert; 4-Pavel; 5-Richard
ORT: 1-James; 2-JRCaron; 3-Pete; 4-Robert; 5-Richard
Poly: 1-James; 2-Robert; 3-JR; 4-Pavel; 5-JRCaron
CNS: 1-James; 2-Robert; 3-JR; 4-Richard; 5-Pavel
CEM: 1-James; 2-JR; 3-Robert; 4-JRCaron; 5-Pavel

James: 30
Robert: 20
JR: 16
Pavel: 9
JRC: 8
Pete: 3

Woohoo, KOM points!

You guys can’t just let James win every climb.

Yo mike I was first on Ridgewood!

Thanks for keeping score today Junior!

Just for the record, I was behind on the climb of Ridgewood because I went back to find Jocelyn and missed the group taking off. So maybe the points can be split for that climb.

Next time, we should make sure we all start the climb at the same time and position and speed. Otherwise, this whole ride would be like a race and no one waits

We haven’t yet quite figured out how to do it…

!! Does that mean I should be two points ahead of Mike? AAAAAAAAW YIISSSSSS lol

Valina, I’m really sorry that we didn’t realize you weren’t with us. That’s probably the one climb where that ever happens because of the descent and lights, we should probably regroup before turning onto Ridgewood or something.

As for the points, in my opinion it should stay as it is because we did start as a big group (even though you weren’t part of it) and I see it as somebody showing up late to Houde, or dropping a chain etc. I suppose cycling is known for “bad luck”.

Regarding Dhruv, we worked it out, but for future reference, whats the “official” finish of Ridgewood?

Haha, the angst of KOM. It has happened before and it will happen again.

IMO the line at ridgewood should be the parking sign, i.e. quite far up, where it has almost entirely leveled off. Most people seem to stop before then though, and it’s a super confusing finish. One of us should spray paint some lines one of these days.

In respect to the starts of cilmbs, it’s a grey area. My personal stance is that: nobody is allowed to attack a climb until the whole group is together (i.e. no more than a bike length between riders); Descents should be done at less than 150w for the leader; if you care about your place at the finish, it’s your responsibility to be in a decent position at the beginning. So in summary: Regroup at top. Descend moderately. Look back to make sure the group is still together. Climb.

Spray paint a nice Mcgill logo on each side of the line hahaha

Maybe in next week’s post, clarify the “line” for every climb so that everybody knows.

Meanwhile, this morning there was a huge shake-up in the GC. James is not worth paying attention to as he doesn’t even go to McGill… the real race is for 2nd, where major rivals lost big GC time as they slept in (or in Matt’s case, ate glorious pancetta and drank excellent wine… he is excused of course). Junior improved his tactical game and I made sure to pick up enough points to have Eric putting the hammer down on me for weeks to come. My advice to you Eric is to stop taking tactical lessons from Neal Weiss!