meeting at the bottom of the Houde, 6:30 am
Forecast for Oct. 22nd is rain, we’ll see how it develops…
Waaaaaah first KOM. I’m definitely going
If I go with advanced and get dropped, will the intermediate group catch up with me?
That’s right, I’m coming with my mountain bike, before the mountain ride at 7. So many rides to choose from!
So where was everyone? I’m declaring myself the de facto King of the Mountain.
Oh, so KOMs are thursdays now. Don’t I feel stupid.
No Pete, you are just more dedicated and more awesome. Did you climb?
Did I ever climb. You don’t get out of bed at 5h30 just to turn around and come back home. Remembrance, Houde, Ridgewood, Rampe and Oratory.
so group leaders should bring a pen / pencil, and piece of paper to write the results of each climb, which means Butch, Soloway and myself must bring these articles.
We will explain more in detail the proceedings of the KOM. What you need to know for now is that when you arrive at the top of a climb, keep your respective arrival positions, which will greatly facilitate things for the umpire, thank you.
IF you are affraid of getting dropped from the advanced group, then go into the intermediate group, where you will suffer plenty anyways. You can always move up if you utterly decimate everyone else on every ascent (unlikely). Dropping out of one category halfway and joining another will complicate the book-keeping.
As a rule of thumb, if you can’t finish within 30-45 seconds of the winner of the climb, you’re not in the right group. In advanced, the winner will do Camilien-Houde well under 5.00 minutes.
Beginner riders : don’t worry if you’re reaalllllly slow. The purpose of the KOM for you is to get to know the mountain, and to entice you to surpass yourself by adding a little competitive element.
If it’s your first time climbing a hill on a bicycle, just go your own pace, and finish the climb. Do what you can for about an hour. Before the winter hits, you’ll be able to complete 3-4 climbs pretty comfortably, and follow more seasoned riders. TRUST ME; your progress over a season will be staggering.
TIP : don’t eat too much before. Personally, i only drink half a cup of juice before KOMs. Nobody feels like seeing what brand of cereal you had.[/b]
P.S. for the inquiring souls, KOM stands for “King Of the Mountain”.
Around what time will the Beginner or Intermediate groups be finished? I’d like to do the KOM series but I have 8:35 am classes on Tues. and Thurs.
Ride should be finished at 7:30
Oupss…I think I scared a lot of beginner with all those climbs! Don’t woory guys, we are only doing 1 hour of climbs so you are going to do maybe 3-4 or 5-6 depends of your group. In any case, don’t be afraid to come, you’re going to find it so great!
I need more beginners, I’m not fast enough to keep up the intermediates .
and i don’t think i will want to write so many names at 6 30…
I’ve never been to The Houde before, so I guess I’ll join Adam in the beginner category.
So here are the results for the intermediate group,as there were only 6 of us I made every climb worth 6 points. Starting with a vicious attack in the final stretch of the houde, John Danby blew away the competition. Next came ridgewood, followed by La Rampe and finally we encountered the wrath of the conservatory, UdeM’s own little joke on us McGill folk. Here are the points after KOM 1
Danby 6 5 6 5 -22
Soloway 5 6 1 6 -18
Peter 4 2 5 3 -14
Ben C.Y. 3 4 4 4 -15
Chaowen 2 3 2 1 -8
JF 1 1 3 2 -7
This the Beginner Group’s KOM 1.
Each climb 6 points to first -1 for each position
Name: Houde Ridgewood Rampe Conservatory: Total pts.
Bouchard 5 6 6 6 23
Gallai 4 3 2 3 12
MaxD 1 1 1 3 6
Victoria 6 4 4 5 19
Jocelyn 3 5 5 3 16
Allison 2 2 3 4 11
Awesome Work everybody. And a special thank you to Victoria, With her superior sense of direction I did not have to use the notes I took from Google Maps to lead us to the Rampe or Conservatory. Way to be.
Good job guys.
Total points
MatFrad 43
Ben B 37
Julien 31
Arthur 30
Nick A 30
Jon VK 24
Nick BL 24
Ben MC 17
Brandon 17
Nick CY 16
Hons 3
Scott 3
Climb 1 : Houde
Mat Frad 10
Ben B 9
Arthur 8
JonVK 7
NickBL 6
Julien 5
Nick A 4
Brandon 3
Scott 2
Nick CY 1
Ben MC
Climb 2 : Ridgewood
Mat Frad 10
Ben B 9
JonVK 8
Arthur 7
Nick A 6
Nick BL 5
Ben MC 4
NickCY 3
Julien 2
Brandon 1
Climb 3 : Rampe
MatFrad 10
Julien 9
Nick A 8
Brandon 7
Nick CY 6
Ben MC 5
Ben B 4
Hons 3
Nick BL 2
Scott 1
Climb 4 : Conservatoire
Julien 10
Nick A 9
Ben B 8
Nick BL 7
Arthur 6
Brandon 5
Nick CY 4
MatFrad 3
Ben MC 2
JonVK 1
Climb 5 : The Wall
MatFrad 10
Arthur 9
JonVK 8
Ben B 7
Ben MC 6
Julien 5
Nick BL 4
Nick A 3
Nick CY 2
Brandon 1
Mat B-R how do you put an excel file into a post like you usually do for the KOMs?