Laval Loop 5:15pm Friday the 6th. Intermediate. Bike riding + cheap Indian food

Rolling speed will for sure be 35kph+
Meet at Goyer and Cote-des-Neiges for 5:15. Where? Yes there.

We can drop bikes off at my place and head over to Pushap for some really cheap but delicious Indian food after the ride. (They make the samosas for mcgill)

everyone should sign up for this ride just to come to pushap with us after

Damn it I wish I could come, already made promises tomorrow night…
This should replace all Mac Campus rides, it was so awesome and fast last time around.

I do not support that replacement

The MAC ride is shit. But I do miss you keith


Don’t wait for me, but if I can get out of the lab on time, I’ll show up.