Mac campus

Hi guys,

    I just had a quick look to the website and the forum and it seems that all activities are made downtown.... Am I wrong? Is there any spinning courses or activities by the club on the Macdonald campus? 


Hey Martin–

since the main gym is downtown all the the main activities usually take place there. But the weather is gettign better and soon we’ll be doing rides out to your neck of the woods!

I had started a little club out at Mac last year but there wasn’t much interest and I found I didn’t have enough time to organize it. Your best bet for the winter is to get downtown if you can. Later when rides start outside Id be up for starting some from mac with you.

Ok, too bad that little club, that would have been awsome. I’ll try to make it to downtown a couple of time before this spring… does I have to be a ‘’ registred member - 40$ ‘’ before I can assist these spinning classes?

Thank you guys

