I don’t really know the rides well so I can’t offer a route I have done st-remi (howick) which was 130km looking for something longer if someone is ready to lead this would be great!
not really knowing any big loops, but down to ride.
I’m up for an Oka - Lachute, etc ride.
OKA would be Sweet… last ride I did to OKA was EPIC… AKA SWAMP RIDE
Alright I’m down for this!!
what time for tomorrow? I might be down
potentially down, how long is the oka ride?
are we thinking… 9am?
Im thinking 9am
Sure. Ride’s about 180km. Providing I don’t get too lost
Home, Laval, Oka, St-Andre d’Argenteuil, Lachute, St-Eustache, Laval, Montreal, Home
So… 9am, oka, jon’s leading, meet at the gates?
I just got called in to work and blah blah blah… I won’t be able to make it
My first excursion north has lead me to the following conclusion
north shore > south shore
Although it is quite annoying to get across montreal island
Brilliant ride Boys. thanks for coming out
177km in the end. I’ll need to figure out a nicer way to get through St-Eustache, but the rest was indeed quite nice.