Monday May 27 - Century Ride - 9h00

As some of you may know, I have been studying for the past two months for my preliminary exam. To celebrate the writing (and hopefully passing) of the exam, I’d like to do a long ride next monday.

No route planned, just want to get out of the city for a while. Some ideas are St. Jerome, Oka, or somewhere on the south shore. If you know of a good ~160 km ride, please suggest!

was this last monday (20) or this upcoming monday (27)

I assuming this is for the 27th considering the time stamps…

Also, I didn’t actually read any of the posts on this thread

OK. How about Rigaud? Once we’re there we can do the rolling hills of St-Henri (nicely paved 10 km one way). The St-Georges road is awful because they opened a quarry not too long ago. There’s also a few rolling hills around. I guess we could do something like 180 km. Well this is only a suggestion… and weather permitting of course.

Have Bike Will Ride

I like bikes

Michel, that sounds nice! My only hard and fast rule is that I need to be home by 4 pm.

Well if we strictly do Mtl-Rigaud you will be back in time. It’s about 160 km and with a few riders we would be able to do this in about 5 1/2 hours. I’ve done this ride many times. The weather has to be good though.

Yes, David, next monday. My exam is thursday and friday.

Pete, im helping my brother move. Can’t make it :frowning:

Weather looks good for monday!

So Pete this is your ride and if you’re ok with it I can lead to Rigaud.

Sounds good! I’ll need to drop my son off at daycare first, then I can meet you by the Atwater market bridge at 9:15.

Atwater market bridge. Perfect. I’ll be there.