Monday Sept 30 @ 6pm, Mountain biking on Mt. Royal, all levels

This monday, meet at the lion statues on av. du parc at 6pm. Bring lights for your ride home. Ride will be about 1 hr long.

All levels welcome! I’m just getting back into mountain biking so I won’t be going too hard, more for practice and fun!

I think I should be able to come this week (sept 30th).

the lion statues? i always thought it was an angel…

on the sides there are lions, i think

That’s because you started frequenting them too old Ben. As a kid, riding the lions is waaaay cooler than staring at the angels (and I wasn’t much of a climber).

still out west, dont wait for me.

hey how was this ride? I didn’t get back from the west island until 7pm, I was all tied up doing a photoshoot (for GQ, obviously.) I really want to make it for a few group mtb rides this fall. I’ll post when I know if I’m going.

It was fun! Good to get back out in the woods and smell the leaves :slight_smile: Just Valina and me.

Isn’t this ride for the future? How have you already gone?

didn’t we tell you? the mountain bikers have access to the mcgill cycling time travelling delorean. if only the roadies were so lucky…

lol i just realized the put the wrong date for the last ride!