Hello everyone!
Although we have decided to cancel our previous training camp plans with the well-being of everyone in mind, we do have good news! We have decided that for the first time, we will be hosting a training camp based right here in Montreal! To ensure all Covid regulations and standards can be met, we believe running the camp from Montreal, where everyone can sleep and shower at their own home is the best decision (don’t worry, you can always sit around for an hour or two, and then shower with the temperature setting on cold if you miss the training camp experience of being 16th in line for the bathroom).
With this change there are a few more perks to be mentioned:
-the camp will now have no fee, and additionally, if you sign up to be a McGill Cycling Team member for the 2020-2021 season, there will be free food at several of the events we have planned!
-the “camp” schedule is shown below, and everyone is welcome to attend as many or as few of the rides and activities as desired (if you can’t get time away from school or work, now you’ll be able to just come for the weekend activities)
The plan is to still run the camp from September 9-13, with a daily ride and activity. For those who are new to Montreal, the rides will be great to learn some of the local routes, and the activities should be good to become more accustomed with the city! At all rides and activities, we ask that those who choose to participate bring a mask, and respect social distancing measures. We are working our hardest to provide a fun experience that follows all regulations and Covid safe measures, so we ask that everybody who comes respects that. The tentative camp schedule is as follows:
Wednesday September 9
The ride will be St Remi (~90km), leaving at 1pm.
Afterwords we’ll meet for supper in Jeanne Mance Park (likely around 6:30pm)
Thursday September 10
Our ride will be Covey Hill (~160km), leaving at 10am
For supper the plan is to go to Chez Claudette for poutine
Friday September 11
We’ll ride to St Hilaire (~100km), leaving at 11am
In the evening there will be a backyard barbecue at HQ (with a surprise activity to be disclosed upon arrival!)
Saturday September 12
Before riding, there will be a breakfast/ brunch (location dependant on number of attendees)
In the afternoon we will ride the Laval loop (~70km), leaving at 3pm
Sunday September 13
Long ride up into the Laurentians- the route has yet to be decided but expect 200km+ (shorter ride options will also be planned)
To finish off the camp and a long day on the bike, we’ll have a pizza supper (location dependant on number of attendees)
For planning purposes, please indicate in the poll below which activities you will be joining us for. This will allow us to know if we should split into several groups for rides, and will help with knowing how much food to provide for activities. Some meals will be paid for by the club, but others will require you to bring your own food. More information will be sent to those who sign up for the activity. In addition to a mask, make sure to bring plenty of snacks, water and some money on the rides for cafe/ gas station stops.
I will be attending:
- Wednesday Ride (St Remi)
- Wednesday Picnic Supper
- Thursday Ride (Covey Hill)
- Thursday Poutine
- Friday Ride (St Hilaire)
- Friday HQ Hotdog Roast + Houde ?!
- Saturday Ride (Laval)
- Saturday Brunch
- Sunday Ride (Laurentians)
- Sunday Pizza
0 voters
All rides will leave from the corner of Mount Royal and Clark, where the road is currently closed. Any changes to departure time will be updated on this post, as well as sent in a message to those who signed up for the ride. Should the weather be looking poor for any of the rides or activities, we might shuffle the schedule, again sending messages to those who signed up. We hope everyone can join us for a ride or two, and if you have any questions please reach out!