Not Covey Hill - Sunday May 19 - 8:00 am

For those not interested in the epic Covey Hill ride at 10:00am, I’m leaving from the gates at 8:00, heading to the south shore (St. Martine, St. Remi), doing around 120 km at 30 kph, and getting home by 1:00.

Will try to wake up early so that I can be there around 8h00 but let me know if you see this and can leave a bit later. My bike is not 100% tuned-up now so I might not be able to follow you all the way to the south shore loop.

I don’t want to get home too late in the afternoon, but if you want to start at 8:30, that’s OK.

Let’s assume 8:30 unless we post something different early in the morning.

ok sounds good

great ride title


It was a good, intermediate ride. 125k and we felt fresh at the end, not dead.