PLYO6 Wed Nov16 8PM

It is week 6 and I feel like it is time for some limit testing.

Same routine, same exercises but bigger boxes less rest and more reps.

We will run the two columns of bricks as ramps where they will become progressively taller and taller to test the maximims of our jumping height.

This is still for all levels, it will just be much harder if you push yourself to go higher.

I will see you there.


P.S. Fill out your goal in the signup.

Once again I will be there around 8:50ish

Despite the recent turn of nice weather I am finally ready to concede that it IS now time for indoor training.

I’ll be there, ready and willing, and out of shape.

Will likely be a little late again.

i will also be there.

I’m there. Adam, my buddy is coming what do I tell the security guard?

Can you come into the building through the stadium entrance where you would if you had an exam in the gym? There is no guard there. Otherwise you can say that they are going to a Cycling Club meeting, that should let them in as well. Or you can create a distraction of some sort while he sneaks in a window. Or hypnotize the guard with a pocket watch so that he doesn’t realize they are the droids he’s looking for.

Good luck.

You don’t need to see his identification… He can go about his business… Move along… Move along

I’m sorry I didn’t make it, I need the rest. I’ll come back self-motivated for spinning on Sunday.

Finished plyo, then went out and got 4L of ice cream. I’m too fat for this sport.

Surprised you could walk…