I was wondering if anybody would be up for 1-2 hours long plyometrics/core-strength workouts at some park in the middle of everyone? It’s a great way to build endurance and muscle speed, but I personally find it very boring to do by myself. I was thinking of going for 4pm at Laurier Park on Saturday. We could perhaps top it off with a friendly pre-dusk soccer or touch football game.
Please feel free to post any ideas or suggestions…
If I didn’t have midterms on tue/wed/thur next week I would be interested! I’ve definitely been feeling a bit sloth-like lately, need to get out and do something…
check out the Training section of the website, there is a packet on core workouts that is really good. The stuff with the swiss ball is awesome, and some of it is really intense.
I’d be down for some stuff with you Noraml, but I cant Make anything on the weekends. I work out of two and far away, but If ever you plan something mid week. Give me a shout
oui norm je t aiderai a organiser la petite game de foot, ca pourait etre bien le fun. Mais je crois que ca serait plus facile si on la fait sur le campus. Et un peu apres la periode des midterms…