Pont Rouge

Pont rouge. Anyone going 12 of May. I will be going

I would go, but my 12th of May schedule is booked :wink:

So long as you’re going back in time, can you put a few hundred thousand on the linkedin IPO?
And tell 10 year old me to try bike racing

So THAT’S how you’re so fast!

12th of june. Ahh Ya. that’s what I meant.

I’m down.
Want to go up the night before or in the morning? It’s about 3h drive away and the race starts at 9, so we would have to leave very early



Night before. I don’t feel like driving out and breakfast at 330 am. Not really me. How are you planning on getting out there?

The McGill Cycling Gmail just received this from Josee

Bonjour à tous,

Veuillez noter que la course de Pont Rouge qui devait avoir lieu dimanche le 12 juin 2011 est ANNULÉE


Google Translate tells me that means the “Red Bridge Run on June 12 is cancelled”

Sorry Guys.


Ya. It has been cancelled for personal reasons.