Samosa Sale!

It is that time of year. We will be having a McGill Cycling Samosa Sale on Wednesday the 23rd of November.

This is the perfect opportunity to veg out and eat/sell samosas in the McConnell Engineering hallway. That Lovely land of the eternally hungry and sleep deprived Engineers. It is our chance to fulfill one of their needs while doing a little fundraiser.

It should start at about 11:00 ish (when the Samosas arrive)
and go on until they’re all gone.

We’ll be keeping to a few McGill Cycling Samosa Sale Traditions.

$1.50 for 2 samosas!!!**

We will also be selling 1 for a $1 and 3 for $2

Euro Samosa holders from last year (if we’ve enough volunteers)

We’ll also try and get a bit of a “TT” going for the people who think they can eat a lot of samosas in one sitting (Records will be kept for bragging rights)

So come on out and join in the festivities.

Om nom nom samosas.

The samosas will be arriving between 11:30 and 12 ish tomorrow.

Work hard and build up that appetite.

i’ll be around

Does anyone know if these babies are vegan?

Hmmm I don’t know if they are vegan or not. I’ll ask the next time we can book a sale.

Thanks for everybody who showed up, It was a lot of fun.
We flew through those somosas like nobodies business.
The Euro Samosa holders were liked a lot. Thanks to RonnieWheeler for the design. As well as all those who participated in pumping them out as the weer necessary.

I believe that Jason gets to hold the new KOS jersey (king of the samosa) with a total of 6 under his belt.

Hope to see you all at the next one.