Intermediate to Mac campus - around 70km. Followed by a loop of the Grand Prix Montreal to gawk at pros as the recon for Sunday’s race. All welcome, new-comers included. I am able to collect membership fees on behalf of the team.
Do you accept $100 bills?
Yes dhruv
Weather dependant
Yeah check back here to confirm at like 8:30 am maybe?
I’ll at eight as to wether or not I’ll be there.
Same for me, weather permitting…
can’t sleep… ar. Screw it, sorry.
Yeah no
We’re go.
What time do lazy euro pros ride? Noon? Mat and I are going to be out a bit after noon. Hang out at the bottom of you’re interested in joining us chase down Simon gerrens
call them, maybe?
Going once the vuelta is over
You coming david?
yes but in a speedo