South Carolina 2025 OFFICIAL Signup

Okok now is the time for the OFFICIAL signup for our South Carolina trip. If you’re excited by the prospect of sun, glizzies, and epic climbs, then make sure to sign up for the MCT SC trip. Make sure to sign up fast as spots are limited, and the form will close Friday, February 7th.

Google form

  • Coming for the epic climbs
  • Coming for the sunshine and good times
  • Coming for the glizzies and Busch Lights
0 voters


We will be traveling to South Carolina over the McGill spring break, leaving in a caravan the afternoon of Friday, February 28 and head back to Montreal on March 8th.


This year due to the exchange rate and continuing inflation, we expect the cost will be around $500-550, and this includes everything such as accommodations, transportation, and food for the week. This cost will significantly go down if more people come and if you bring a car, the trip cost will go down to about $200.

Once filling out the form, please send the fees to within 24 hours in order to ensure your spot.

Who can come

All experience levels are welcome to come! There will be intermediate and advanced rides leaving the house each day:

  • Intermediate: 70-120 km
  • Advanced: 120+ km

The only requirement is you must be a TEAM MEMBER to join the trip.

Also make sure you have all necessary travel documents in order to travel to the United States and back, and that they are all up to date.

If you have any questions, either check out the SC 2025 info post or feel free to reach out with any questions!! We hope to see you there!